Welcome to Squeaky and Cheesy Go to School

  • The Mice Who Came to Story Time

    Book One in the Squeaky and Cheesy Go to School series. Ms. Pierre's classroom has a secret... two mice who like to come out of their mouse hole for story time. Some of the children are scared, but once they calm down, the teacher asks them to vote on what to do about the mice. Will they stay or will they go?

  • Squeaky and Cheesy's Very Own Website!

    Follow the adventures of Squeaky and Cheesy on their website!

  • The Mice Who Went to the Gym

    Squeaky and Cheesy, the little rodents from "The Mice Who Came to Story Time", leave the comfort and safety of Ms. Pierre's classroom to see what else they can find in the school. Their curiosity gets the best of them when they venture into the gym while a wild and raucous physical education class is going on. When they try to escape, they are spotted and pandemonium ensues.