It all began with an idea.

I once took a personality poll that would match you up with a character from Winnie the Pooh. I got Tigger. I wasn’t surprised at all. I get many “big ideas” and want to run with them. Habitual Gratitude started as an idea to slow down my brain. To give me time to reflect and offer others the opportunity to do the same. It blossomed into something so much bigger so I decided to branch out. In doing so, I thought I could share so much more.

I am a kindergarten teacher and I work in the same school that I attended kindergarten in and teach in my old classroom. I am a wife, to Dave, mom to two amazing “grown up” sons, DJ and Drew and rescue dog mama to a 6 pound, one toothed Maltese senior pup named Sunny Day.

I am a newly published children’s book author. My book series, Squeaky and Cheesy Go to School, has two titles in print so far. The Mice Who Came to Story Time and The Mice Who Went to the Gym. Both books are available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble as well as in local bookstores. You can read more about the mice, Squeaky and Cheesy under their own tab in the “About” section.

I am very active in organizations that help those who are “food insecure” (lacking reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food.) I am a board member for MEND, (Meeting Essential Needs with Dignity). I volunteer at a local food pantry as well. I run food drives, pajama drives, book drives….when I hear there is a need, I try to get something organized to help. I am fortunate to have a big network of family and friends who help spread the word. I am hoping that HG will help as well. There is a big need, and not just near me but everywhere. It is estimated that nearly 60 percent of the country's population is classified as food-insecure and everything we can do to help is appreciated.

I look forward to seeing where Habitual Gratitude takes me because I am truly grateful.